With the most talented specialists and the best technology,
we automate any process, anywhere!

Revenue generation, cost reduction and productivity increase are some of the benefits NTConsult delivers using the
best business process automation technologies of the market, delivered by high performance professionals.

Why NTConsult is the best option to
automate your business process?

Our approach on Business Process Automation (BPA) is always based on the deep understanding of our clients’ businesses, allowing us to automate even the most complex business processes and functions beyond conventional data manipulation, using advanced technologies such as Camunda, IBM, Oracle and others, which means we are BPM specialists regardless of the tooling!

And talking about Camunda, we are the first company to achieve an official Camunda Platinum Partner level in both South and North America! Click here if want to know more about our partnership and how NTConsult and Camunda work together to add value and solve our client’s problems.

Since we count with the best professionals in the market, you can be sure that your business  will have qualified specialists, using the most efficient automation tools in the world, at your  disposal to help your company grow! Our way of doing business goes far beyond the delivery  of a service: we have nearly two decades of experience transforming business challenges  into digital solutions, considering fourteen years in the business process automation market.

Process orchestration, workflow automation, microservices orchestration, BPMS legacy systems replacement, process management … whatever your need is, you can count on us!


automated process instances delivered per day


specialists ready to automate your
process and help your company grow

Results delivered by NTConsult
using BPA in several countries

Revenue and scalable company growth through streamlined, automated and standardized processes.
Efficiency and productivity through documented processes and streamlined workflows.
Agility in customer service and increased service quality.
Back Office productivity.
Paper and office supplies, generating savings of thousands of dollars through digitalization.
Percentage of trades with errors.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in labor, paper cost.

Our BPA Cases

Automate Human Workflow

Many organizations have mission-critical processes that require people to perform tasks manually. A complete end-to-end business process often requires manual work to be combined with automated steps in a unified workflow. With the automation of human tasks, you can free your team of professionals to focus on tasks that really add value to your business. This generates optimization of time and increased productivity. NTConsult offers the best specialists in many BPMS with a state-of-the-art toolset for Human Workflow and Technical Workflow automation, ideal for taking care of the lifecycle of your processes. Prepare your business for scalability and enjoy the best your team has to offer!

Orchestrate Microservices

Modern microservices software architecture often requires orchestration to ensure critical business processes that span multiple microservices can be carefully monitored, managed and analyzed. With microservices orchestration, we can get all the benefits of microservices, without losing sight of the information flow. We build distributed microprocesses, without losing the benefits of orchestration, in addition to taking advantage of the IT assets already invested.

Integrate with
RPA Tools

We combine the best BPA platforms with the most efficient RPA tools, applying robotic process automation in the analysis stage, to understand your processes and propose, in a consultative and strategic way, improvements that allow you to increase your team’s productivity. That’s because virtual robots perform automated tasks, so you free up your collaborators to perform actions that demand more of human understanding. This means intellectual freedom to leverage your business.

Replace Legacy

Many companies still have legacy BPMS systems and are slow to realize that it is too limited, restrictive and expensive. This creates several problems in the organization, preventing scalable and organized growth. These legacy BPM systems can’t scale dynamically, which means they cause issues that negatively affect customers, consequently causing damage to your business. Moreover, they don’t provide the resources you need to keep improving your processes in a continuous way. But don’t worry, we use have the solution: since we work with advanced technology applied by the best professionals, we can provide an end-to-end orchestration and business-IT collaboration, ensuring a cost effective service that solves your problems!

Replace Homegrown Workflow Technology

It’s not uncommon for organizations to begin workflow automation by creating software from scratch, coding a process in Java, or creating a simple state machine. Our specialists provide flexibility and high performance, working with the best platforms in order to implement engines that scale with increasing demand.

Add Workflow to Software Products

Aggregating workflows to software products saves time and resources by incorporating the BPA tooling that fits best to your needs, rather than building something from scratch. We can offer a flexible, lightweight, and embeddable platform that will solve your workflow problems.