Nearshore Software Development: Outsourcing during COVID-19

Oct 1, 2021 | Development, Nearshoring

The world continues to experience a period of massive shock. One of the most important effects of the COVID-19 crisis is that companies are being forced to accelerate their digital transformation efforts.

So, how are things going regarding Nearshore Software Development during COVID-19?

The global impact in recent months has been more than complicated, for many of us it’s an experience that we have never lived, however little by little countries are returning to the “New Normal”, which has changed dramatically, digital transformation has become the best investment companies can make.

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. Its the one that is most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin  

Adaptability has been the key to success and through automation, companies have been able to optimize their processes with quick solutions. The reinvention of outsourcing models has let companies focus on their core business activities by outsourcing their software development projects. 

IDG Research recently released the 2020 Global Managed Services Report, based on a survey of 1,250 IT and business leaders across 29 countries, says that 64% of companies will outsource more than insource over the next 18 months. 

What is Nearshore Software Development?

Nearshore Software Development refers to outsourcing your IT projects in neighboring countries that have a similar time zone, working with highly skilled professionals that understand your local regulations, language, market needs, and culture.

Having a nearshore partner in the COVID-19 crisis is essential for businesses that want to optimize procedures trough process automation and reduce the impact of any eventuality in the face of an imminent digital transformation scenario.

IT Nearshoring

Top 5 Advantages of Nearshore Outsourcing 

  • Proximity and Time Zone
    An important advantage of nearshore development is the ability to engage with your team during business hours. Real-time collaboration is key for building up business relationships.
  • Scale your Team
    Nearshore partners can augment their staffs with talent who have the skills necessary to meet the client’s needs and simplify your enterprise’s remote working strategy.
  • Cultural Affinity
    Cultural affinity brings your in-house and nearshore team together, helping minimize communication issues and creating a higher understanding and alignment between teams.
  • Intellectual Property
    Protecting your intellectual property is critical. Nearshore countries like Brazil have strong intellectual property laws, that resemble to the US. having headquarters that provides you with the same protection you count on at home.
  • Total Cost of Engagement
    The total cost of engagement for a Nearshore partner ends up being equal or less than offshore alternatives, thanks to efficiencies achieved through proximity to the United States.

Have you ever thought about what it must be like to work with a top nearshore software developmente company?

NTConsult is a leading Global Custom Software Development and IT Staff Augmentation Organization. We build first class solutions for your organization and we augment your team with best in the class resources. This makes us a important partner for you to follow top trends of Nearshore Software Development during COVID-19 and optimize your company’s processes.

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