Using Camunda to Automate your Workflow for Document Recognition With OCR and AI

Jun 14, 2023 | Automation, Camunda

On June 9th, NTConsult hosted a webinar on how to use Camunda to automate workflows for document recognition using OCR and AI

Anwen Parmley, Customer Engagement Representative, hosted the event, and Marcelo Leopoldino, Senior Camunda Architect and Developer, presented an in-depth look into a POC. Marcelo conducted a practical demonstration of implementing validations and business rules, utilizing decision tables. This implementation was designed to significantly reduce the time required for document validation flows, thereby enhancing efficiency and effectiveness. 

In addition to the demo, Marcelo addressed audience questions about the topic, providing valuable insights. 

To watch the video of the webinar, please follow the link below: 

If you are not yet a member of the Camunda User Group on the West Coast and would like to join, please click here

Camunda is globally recognized as one of the leading process automation and orchestration platforms, and NTConsult has been honored as the Camunda Partner of the Year in the Americas for two consecutive years. 

Check out the other webinars we hosted on the Camunda Users Group below:

Process Automation by NTConsult

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